120 Great History Projects

Have hours of fun creating the 120 practical projects featured in this book. Each on includes clear, step-by-step instructions and is accompanied by lively, informative text about its historical context.
  • Learn how people built their homes through the ages, and find out how the geography and climate affected the building materials they used.
  • See how massive monuments and temples were created using the simplest of tools.
  • Explore the everyday lives of people in the past - what they ate, what they wore and how they decorated their homes.
  • Discover the types of entertainment enjoyed by people throughout history.
  • Find out about the ancient ideas and technology behind many of the world's most advanced civilizations.
  • Marvel at the intricate craftwork created by many early cultures, and reproduce examples of beautiful pottery and fine jewellery.
  • Learn about the religious beliefs of ancient peoples and discover how all kinds of things - from gardens to mirrors - could have a spiritual significance.
Bring the past into the present with the 120 craft, cookery, fashion and model-making projects featured in this book with clear step-by-step photographs and instructions on how to make models, costumes and recipes.

Chinese Sampan

120 Great History Projects
Rachel Halstead, Struan Reid
[ E/900 ]

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