This book contains Kee Thuan Chye's incisive interpretations of what is going wrong in Malaysia and his suggestions of what needs to be done to correct the ills. Straight talk on Malaysian politics is what you get in this book. No mincing of words, no waffling. Direct and to-the-point. In other words, no bullshit.
Kee Thuan Chye, the writer of this book is noted for his candid and honest commentaries on Malaysian politics in online news websites. In this book, you hear the voice of a Malaysian who speaks without fear or favour for the sake of his country. Reading it, you get the strong message that all he wants is a better Malaysia, a truly multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-religious nation that respects the rights and customs of every citizen and is governed according to the rule of law and the principles of justice.
This book also includes Kee's political poems, excepts from his political plays and interviews done with him by other media. He hopes this book will impress upon Malaysians the need to speak plainly and openly, without fear of reprisals (revenge) and persecution (treated cruelly). Besides that, Kee also masterfully talks about senseless censorship in the performing arts industry and how the national language is politicised.
His book should be read by fence-sitters and people who get their news only from the mainstream media. It will give them an alternative perspective on what is happening in Malaysia and possibly help them to decide better when they vote at the next general election. It is a book that every Malaysian should therefore possess and read.
No More Bullshit. Please, We're All Malaysians
Kee Thuan Chye
[ E/300 ]
Source: Malaysia Fact Book, Malaysia Kini
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